import gradio as gr def numeric_expression_reader(operation, a, b): result = None expression = None if operation == 'Add': result = a + b expression = f"{a} plus {b}" elif operation == 'Subtract': result = a - b expression = f"{a} minus {b}" elif operation == 'Multiply': result = a * b expression = f"{a} multiplied by {b}" elif operation == 'Divide': if b != 0: result = a / b expression = f"{a} divided by {b}" else: result = 'Error: Division by zero' result_statement = f"{expression} becomes {result}" if result is not None else expression return result_statement # Rest of your code remains the same # Create the Gradio interface with the correct inputs for the radio buttons iface = gr.Interface( fn=numeric_expression_reader, inputs=[ gr.Radio(choices=['Add', 'Subtract', 'Multiply', 'Divide'], label="Operation"), gr.Number(label="a"), gr.Number(label="b") ], outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Result Statement:"), title="Numeric Expression Reader", description="Select an operation and enter two numbers to perform basic arithmetic and get the result statement." ) # Launch the app iface.launch()